Israel is not complying with ICJ orders on Palestinians

The Guardian February 10, 2024, 07:00 AM UTC

Summary: The UN special rapporteur on the occupied territories, Francesca Albanese, stated that Israel is not complying with the international court's orders to protect Palestinians' rights and cease activities that could constitute genocide. Israel was given until 23 February to report on compliance with six orders, including ending incitement to genocide and improving humanitarian aid. At least 1,755 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since the court order. Israel's compliance is a test of the UN court's authority and other signatories to the genocide convention. The US opposes a resolution endorsing the ICJ's orders. Belgium has banned arms sales to Israel, and Japan's Itochu Aviation will end strategic cooperation. The Dutch appeal court will decide on selling F-16s to Israel. Israel's presentation to the ICJ could become a dynamic process. The most important concerns in the court's orders are aid and incitement. Israel has not been in compliance with either. The UN office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs reported that the humanitarian situation in Gaza is exceedingly critical, exacerbated by restrictions on aid delivery. Israeli rightwingers have blocked the Kerem Shalom crossing to prevent aid entry into the strip. Many western governments see bureaucratic hurdles and reluctance to help Hamas. Cogat, the Israeli military body, insists the humanitarian crisis is not as described. British and US officials believe it would be possible to double the aid entering Gaza relatively quickly. The US and UK response to the ICJ case matters to prevent inconsistency in approaches to mass atrocity crimes.

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